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Intensive Care Society Podcast


The Intensive Care Society is proud to present our open access podcasts.

These include our educational events, interviews with the very best in Critical Care and presentations from the UK's biggest multidisciplinary critical care meeting (State of the Art).

Feb 11, 2019

Sarah is Clinical Lead Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) specialising in critical care, tracheostomy and complex dysphagia and has worked at Wythenshawe hospital, Manchester since 2002. As an RCSLT expert advisor for 18 years she has contributed to a number of key policies and guidelines, including GPICS, NCEPOD ‘On the right trach’ and RCSLT position papers in FEES (Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing) and Critical Care. She is Chair of the RCSLT Tracheostomy Clinical Excellence Network and SLT representative on the NTSP (National Tracheostomy Safety Project) actively promoting clinical knowledge sharing, best practice, multidisciplinary tracheostomy team and SLT service development. She is on the UK Swallowing Research Group committee and researches into the effects of tracheostomy and ventilation on communication and swallowing, most recently Above Cuff Vocalisation (ACV). Sarah travels widely and has worked in Singapore and also as a volunteer for Speech Therapy Cambodia.