Dec 28, 2018
Dr Susanna Price trained in both cardiology and intensive care
medicine in the UK, and completed a fellowship at the Thorax center
with Jos Roelandt. She was awarded a PhD from Imperial College
London, and following completion of her training was awarded the
two-year BHF Jill Dando GUCH Fellowship in order to train further
in critical care and imaging in congenital heart disease. She is
consultant at the Royal Brompton Hospital where she is Clinical
Lead for Critical Care, Honorary Senior Lecturer at National Heart
& Lung Institute, Imperial College London.
Dr Price is President-elect of the European Society of
Cardiology (ESC) Acute Cardiovascular Care Association, and sits on
numerous committees including the ESC Education Committee, ESC
Press & Media Committee, ALS subcommittee of the RCUK and
SCCM US guideline committee. She is an Associate Editor of the
European Heart Journal of Acute Cardiovascular Care, and an invited
for a number of other journals. She has been a member of a number
of Task Forces relating to international guidelines including
VA-ECMO, acute cardiovascular care, the management of
cardiovascular diseases including valvular disease, endocarditis,
non-cardiac surgery, pulmonary hypertension, pericardial disease,
cardiovascular disease in pregnancy and grown-up congenital heart
disease. Dr Price has authored numerous papers and book chapters on
cardiology, echocardiography and intensive care, and lectures
regularly globally