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Intensive Care Society Podcast


The Intensive Care Society is proud to present our open access podcasts.

These include our educational events, interviews with the very best in Critical Care and presentations from the UK's biggest multidisciplinary critical care meeting (State of the Art).

Dec 19, 2018

Alex is an Intensive Care specialist working in Wellington, having trained in London, Melbourne and New Zealand. He has been involved in the design and implementation of Rapid Response Systems in several different hospitals. Because of this, he is clinical lead for the New Zealand Health Quality & Safety Commission’s national ‘Deteriorating Patient’ programme. In his spare time, when not walking his dog or his children, he builds websites & designs logos for Wellington ICU’s prodigious research department. He has nearly written a lot more research papers & as such needs to spend less time on Twitter. He also once ventilated a chimpanzee but it didn’t end well (for the chimp).